Sunday, June 1, 2008

Architecture Terms and Examples

Post and Lintel: two vertical uprights support a horizontal beam (lintel)
ex. Eiffel Tower

Coffers: the parts in a ceiling that are recessed
ex. St. Paul's Cathedral

Arch (round and pointed): opening with a curve at the top
ex. Coliseum

Pediment: a low triangular gable on a sloping roof
ex. Les Invalides

Baroque facade: the front of a building constructed in the baroque style, full of granduer
ex. Houses of Parliament

Dome: a upside-down concave architectural element
ex. Duomo

Oculus: circular window, usually at the top of a building to let in light
ex. Baptistry

Barrel vault: a vaulted ceiling, creating the appearance of a dome
ex. Louvre

Stained glass windows: colored glass in windows often depicting religious events
ex. Notre Dame Cathedral
Steel construction: building with the alloy of steel
ex. Eiffel Tower

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